Imprint ///

Information according to §5 E-commerce law:

The website and all related information content is provided to you by:

CALPANA business consulting GmbH
Blumauerstrasse 43, 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 (0) 732 601 216-0
Fax: +43 (0) 732 601 216-209

Authorized representatives:
Ing. Mag. Günther Angerbauer
Mag. Markus Müller
Managing Directors

Mag. Gerold Mifka

Firmenbuchnummer und Firmenbuchgericht:
Firmenbuch Nummer: 261730y
Firmenbuchgericht: Landesgericht Linz
Aufsicht: Magistrat Linz

Company register number and company register court:
Company register number: 261730y
Commercial register court: Linz regional court
Supervision: Magistracy Linz

Chamber affiliation:
Chamber of Commerce Upper Austria
Professional Association Company Consulting and Information Technology Membership number: 3161716
Value added tax identification number (UID): ATU61651607

The content and structure of the CRISAM web pages are protected by copyright.
The reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts, parts of texts or images, requires the prior written consent of CALPANA business consulting GmbH.
